Original Research Paper


Nagananthini. G. , Nagamani. K. , Rajapriya. S, Sivasankari. S, David Ravindran. A

  Abstract :

Background Information : In recent years, micro and macro algae are very much attracted by researchers, due to their global demand. The algae are the source of various types of secondary metabolites, which possess various biological activities. Methods: Exopolysaccharide extracted from microalgae S.platensis by alcoholic precipitation method and analyzed . The chemical composition of the extract and its prebiotic potential were analysed. EPS acts as the prebiotic substances and they enhanced the growth of beneficial microorganisms in the gut microbiome. Results: The EPS production was optimized by different concentrations of sodium chloride, sodium nitrate, and various pH conditions. The carbohydrate, protein, phenol, sulfate and uronic acid content were analyzed for all the optimized samples. The prebiotic characteristics of extracted EPS were also analyzed. According to the results, this EPS enhanced the growth of Lactobacillus sp. The extracted EPS has enhanced the growth of Lactobacillus sp.

  Keywords :

Prebiotics   EPS   S.platensis  

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BIOCHEMICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF EXOPOLYSACCHARIDES AND IT ACT AS THE PREBIOTIC, Nagananthini.G., Nagamani.K., Rajapriya.S, Sivasankari.S, David Ravindran.A, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF Research Pathology And Microbiology : Volume-5 | Issue-4 | October-2021

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