Original Research Paper
Assessing The Efficacy And Stability Of Follicular Cell Suspension In The Repigmentation Of Stable Vitiligo
INTRODUCTION: Vitiligo is a common depigmenting skin disease with significant psychological & social stigma, profoundly affecting the quality of life especially when located in exposed areas of the body. Although various treatment modalities are there for vitiligo, none of them are curative. Hair follicle melanocytes are an attractive source of donor cells over epidermal melanocytes with features like remarkable capacity to synthesize melanin and are a rich source of 3 different stem cells. Surgical modalities are, thus, an excellent treatment option for patients with focal stable vitiligo. Among which follicular cell suspension is a novel, minimally invasive, safe and effective surgical modality in focal stable vitiligo.AIM: To determine the efficacy and stability of follicular cell suspension in the repigmentation of stable vitiligoMETHODOLOGY: After written consent and routine investigations, 43 patients (29 females, 12 males, 2 were lost to follow-up) with focal stable vitiligo attending the Dermatology OPD, were included in the study. Anagen hairs from the occipital area were selected. Under field block anesthesia, 1mm manual punch was done in the scalp, the extracted hair follicles washed, incubated for 3 cycles. The cell suspensions were then filtered to form a final cell pellet. The recipient area was cleaned, dermabraded, and drops of cell suspension was spread over the surface and collagen dressing was done7. Postoperative care given and dressing was removed after 7 days. Monthly visits with photographs were done for 1 year.RESULTS: Response was graded as Grade 4- Excellent (90-100% repigmentation), Grade 3- Good (75-90% repigmentation), Grade 2- Fair (50-74%) and Grade 1- Poor (
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