Research Paper
Histopathological study of Appendix: A Study In Consecutive 1000 appendectomies
INTRODUCTION-Appendicitis is a very common surgical emergency and has a lifetime risk of 7%.It is approximately 1.4 times greater in men than in women. Misdiagnosis and delay in surgery can lead to complications like perforation and finally peritonitis. Appendiceal tumors are unusual accounting for 0.4%of all gastrointestinal tract malignancies. An estimated 1% of all appendectomy specimens contain a neoplasm. The majority of appendicular tumors are carcinoids while the remaining 10-20% are mucinous cyst adenocarcinoma, adenocarcinoma, lymphoma, paraganglioma and granular cell tumor.OBJECTIVES OF STUDY1.To study the patterns of lesions (non-neoplastic and neoplastic) in the appendectomy specimens. 2.To study the detailed morphological features of the different non- neoplastic and neoplastic lesions i.e. both benign and malignant.3.To correlate the clinical diagnosis with the histopathological diagnosis of the appendectomy specimens. MATERIALS AND METHODS:This was a prospective and retrospective study from january 2015 to December 2017 in the department of pathology, S.P.Medical College,Bikaner,Rajasthan.RESULTS-A total of 1000 appendectomies were received during the peroid of January 2015 to December 2017. Acute appendicitis was the most common pathology (including all form of acute) reported (45.6%). Next common lesion was Healing appendicitis with peri-appendicitis (32.8%) followed by Healed appendicitis (15.7%) followed by chronic appendicitis (3.6%) followed by tubercular appendicitis(0.5%) then mucocele was 0.3% and adenocarcinoma was also 0.3% followed by parasite(E.vermicularis) 0.2% then 0.1% was Carcinoid was reported. The age of patient ranged from 15 days to 80years with mean age 23.32years.Male to female ratio was 2.23 : 1CONCLUSION-So, we concluded that the histopathological spectrum of appendix after appendectomy is extremely variable. Appendix is one of the organs having a wide spectrum of diseases ranging from congenital anomalies, inflammatory to neoplastic lesions.. We recommend all appendectomy specimens should be submitted to histopathology laboratory, as appendix cancer can be detected at an early, potentially curable stage, only by histopathological examination.
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