Antibiotic Susceptibility pattern of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Isolated from Pus samples received in a tertiary care hospital in central India. Dr. Arvind Khodare, Dr. Manish Purohit, Dr. Anita Mutha, Dr Aseem Rangnekar
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Seroprevalence of Scrub typhus in patients with acute febrile illness at a tertiary health care institution in Jaipur, Rajasthan Dr Sunita Agarwal
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Epidemiological and Clinical profiles of Melioidosis in tertiary care centre in Northern Sri Lanka. J Pradeepan, S Pirasath, T Kumanan
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Histopathological study of Appendix: A Study In Consecutive 1000 appendectomies Dr. Anuradha, Dr. Vanita Kumar, Dr. Shree Rathore, Dr. Neelu Gupta
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Hepatic adenomatosis - A clinically challenging rare liver disease Dr. Sunitha Ramachandra, Dr. Lakshmi Rao, Dr. Masoud Al Kindi
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